Your birth matters.

Your body matters.

YOU matter.

However you envision bringing your baby(s)into this world, it matters and I fully support you.

My Birth Doula Service

Birth Planning Appointments (unlimited appointments, unlimited time)

  • Navigating your birth options

    • Understanding the difference between hospital, birth center, home, and unassisted births

  • Going over your Birth Map/preferences

  • What to consider when choosing a provider

  • Comfort Measures during labor

  • Childbirth education

  • Lactation support/infant feeding baby planning

  • Discussing Advocacy, Informed Consent, and Trauma-Informed Consent

Partner support

  • One on One appointment with birth partner or support person(s) if desired.

  • Discussing their role during birth and postpartum

  • Answering any questions

  • Supporting them with tools and resources to navigate their transition into parenthood.

Postpartum planning Appointment (unlimited time)

24/7 email, phone, text support throughout entire pregnancy

  • I will be available to answer questions or just listen to you  

Continuous labor and birth support, I will be on call for you 24/7 starting 3 weeks prior to your 40-week gestational date

Immediate Postpartum care after birth, normally about 1-3 hours at your discretion

Pictures taken during and after labor on my iPhone (optional)

Forms and Resources included:

Birth Map Template(s)

Feeding Baby Planning Template

Postpartum Plan Template

Hospital Bag Checklist

Resources (books, articles, platforms, videos, classes, etc.)